The Table Details screen will display all items currently charged to the table, and the items that have been paid off already.
All table details will be listed in columns showing Description, Amount, Outstanding, Printed, Pay, Seat and Clerk.
You may also be able to Reprint to Kitchen, which will print the items to the kitchen in the event the docket has been lost.
For quick access to the Table Details screen, simply Double-Click the table you want to view.
When using a POS Terminal which has a POS Screen Resolution of 1920x1080 or 1366x768, the Table Details will be left-aligned and the extra space on the right-hand side will be used to display the Table Activity feed.
The top area will display the total guests seated at the table, the average $ spend/cover, total for the table and time spent.
The area below will show a list of all the Stock Items that have been saved to the table.
The Table Details screen can be grouped via the toggle button on the top-right corner:
No Grouping/Group by Order Time/Group by Print Group
The Default Grouping option can be configured via the following Yes/No Options:
The option "Table Details - Group by Order Time" will take precedence over the "Table Details - Group by Print Group".
Group by Order Time - The Table Details screen will group Stock Items based on the times they were ordered. I.e. When an order is saved to a table that contains one or more items, those items will be grouped together by the time the order was placed. If all the items were only saved to the table in one instance, they will appear under one single group showing the initial time they were saved to the table. If the items were saved to the table at various times (i.e. multiple orders saved to the table), multiple groups will appear showing each time the items were ordered.
Group by Print Group - The Table Details screen will group Stock Items by the Print Group (e.g. Drinks, Entree, Mains, etc.) that those items are linked to.
In addition to the default Grouping setting (configured via Yes/No Options), the Grouping used on the Table Details screen can be toggled using the first button on the top-right corner of the Table Details screen.
The button label for toggling grouping will vary (No Grouping, Group by Order Time, Group by Print Group), depending on the current Grouping method being used.
Table Details - Group by Order Time:
Table Details - Order by Print Group:
Table Details - No Grouping:
The ordered date will be displayed if an order was placed on a date prior to the current date.
The Yes/No Option "Table Details - Group by Order Time" must be enabled for this function.
In addition to the group headers being a visual indicator showing either the time that the items were saved to the table or the Print Groups, these group headers can also be clicked on to select all items that are part of the group.
The ability to select all items based on the Order Time or Print Group can be useful for paying for items, transferring items to another table, reordering items or deleting items.
This button allows the operator to reorder any items that are already saved to a table.
This may be useful in cases where a customer has ordered a drink or meal at their table, finished the meal, and has come back to the counter wanting to order the same meal again.
The operator can select the customer's Table from the Table Map, then select the required items and press the Reorder button.
The selected items will be added to the sale where the operator will have the opportunity to add any other additional items.
Once the required items have been added, the Table Map button can then be pressed to save the items back onto the Table.
A Kitchen Docket will be printed to the Kitchen Printer(s).
By default, all paid items will be displayed, however, this can be controlled via the Yes/No Option "Table Details Hide Paid Items by Default".
The button will toggle between the two options to quickly display the selected format.
Paid items will include zero priced instruction items on full priced items that have yet to be paid.
Partially paid items will remain on display until the total amount outstanding is paid in full.
Paid items will display in a greyed-out style.
Allows you to change the number of covers that were entered onto the table when opened.
The number of covers entered will only affect the current table session.
The next time guests are seated at the table, the Covers prompt will display the default number of guests for that table.
The default number of guests for a table can be configured in Setup > Restaurant > Table Maps > Modify > Right-click a Table > Covers > Select the desired number of covers.
When entering a number of covers which exceeds 99, a warning prompt is displayed to confirm.
This button will print a bill for the table.
If no items are selected and the 'Print Bill' button is pressed, a bill will be printed for all items on the table.
If items have been selected and the Print Bill button is pressed, a Print Seat Bill prompt will be displayed from which a seat number for the currently selected items can be entered.
Support for Printing a Seat Bill for partial items is available.
To print a Seat Bill for Partial Items, first select the portion that will be paid from the bottom of the Table Details window > then select the items > then press 'Print Bill'.
The Print Seat Bill prompt will be displayed (as shown below) > Enter the Guest's Seat Number > Print > The Bill is printed for the partial amount.
After the bill has been printed, the items will remain selected using the portion that was selected > the clerk can then press the 'Pay' button to move those items to the sale screen and then take payment from the guest.
This button is only displayed after completing a partial payment from the Table Details screen.
When partially paying an item/table, the item(s) are displayed on the Tender screen where a Tender Amount/Fast Cash Button is pressed to process the payment.
After payment is taken, the Table Details screen will reappear and will then contain the 'Print Last Receipt' button at the bottom of the screen.
Pressing the button will print the last receipt.
If the Table Details screen is closed and reopened, the button will disappear and will only reappear after completing another partial payment on the table.
Also note that the 'Print Last Receipt' button cannot be used after making the final partial payment on a table (because after the final partial payment is made on a table, no further payments are required on the Table and the Table Details screen will not reappear).
The buttons at the bottom of the Table Details screen are used when splitting bills.
More information can be found in the Bill Splitting section of the Restaurant & Table Map topic.